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Our Work Ethic

Our honorable work ethic is evident in our display of mutual respect, trust, "doing the right thing" and treating everyone with dignity.

We pledge a commitment of excellence to members and ourselves.

We conduct ourselves professionally at all times.

We work cooperatively to create a positive, enjoyable business environment.

We are dedicated to our community financially, professionally and personally.

We continually promote the Credit Union and support its philosophy.

We maintain a sense of humor to keep life in perspective.

As a credit union that has been around since the 1940s, we've seen many changes in the financial state of our communities — and we've been there for our members through it all. 

Our History

The early 1940s set the nation on a new path. War in Europe raged, and in a watchful United States, the first peacetime draftees reported for duty. A bottle of Coca Cola sold for just a nickel. The financial world of Great Falls was also changing. 

Intent on creating new opportunities, twenty Montana men and women gathered on November 18, 1940. A charter from the Bureau of Federal Credit Union on hand, these residents of Great Falls, Ulm, Armington, Power, Portage and Carter held the seminal meeting of the Great Falls Cooperators Credit Union. United, the group set goals to provide low-interest loans and a favorable rate of return for investors. A ceiling for ownership was set that day at 20 shares of stock, or $100. The unsecured loan limit was $35, plus shares on deposit, and secured loans were capped at $100. In addition, borrowers were required to deposit savings while repaying loans. History was in the making.

By July 1959, the credit union's membership had reached 534, and assets were a record $160,434. The radical 1960s saw rapid growth, leaving the credit union with a membership double in size and assets totaling $810,000. At this point, the need for more office space to accommodate the credit union's growth became apparent. For years, the credit union's two employees had used two file cabinets to store the records of the growing membership. Subsequently, the Board of Directors voted to purchase property and construct a building at 901 8th Ave. S. A year later another milestone was reached, when assets topped $1 million in May 1971. From desk drawer beginnings and a second hand safe to offices of brick and glass, the credit union's future independence was assured.  

Serving Our Members — Now and Into the Future

In the 1980s, the credit union expanded services to include share draft checking accounts, automatic teller machine accessibility, credit cards, and other innovative services. The credit union's focus was simple: providing better services than competitors, with the friendly advantage of membership. Despite this growth and metamorphosis into a major financial institution, Montana Credit Union has kept one goal in mind — to help improve the financial state of each of its members by encouraging regular savings and responsible borrowing at fair rates. 

In 2022, Montana Credit Union was granted an expansion to the field of membership we are able to serve, expanding our counties served from 3 to 44, covering most all the state of Montana. Montana is a state of epic proportions, and while we don't have physical branch locations within all 44 of those counties, we remain able to strongly serve members that live both near and far through our online channels. 

Although today's Montana Credit Union bears little resemblance to its humble beginnings, the ideals of the founding members remain intact. It is that philosophy — to serve our members — that will lead us through the next 50 years.

The name Montana doesn’t just mean something to our members, it means everything.

Around here, we’re known as THE local bank, despite our credit union name. Members trust us as their expert neighbor who understands what it means to live and let live. They know we believe character and strong values matter, and how one’s word is priceless currency.

While Montana Credit Union reflects what it means to eat, drink and breathe Big Sky Country, it is our warmth, empathy and dedicated service practices that prove we are invested in people. From our commitment to “weekly wow’s” to community involvement, we give our all for all — all the time.

After eighty years as a not-for-profit financial institution, we’ve seen it all — from fires to blizzards — and members can unequivocally trust in our steadfast and positive servitude to them. With the hometown confidence and local cultural understanding we instill in every interaction, we can lead our members to true financial success.

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